Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Headed South Again

As usual, it's been too long since I've posted, and I apologize; but I haven't spent more than 12 hours in town and not working in about a month.

We left our hero (me) with a job in hand in Hawaii, and a possibility in San Diego.

Since then there has been a phone interview, an in person interview, and some reference checks.

Yesterday, I was offerred a job at UCSD. Today, I took it.

I'm going to miss SF, and all my friends here, but I think I need to do this. Y'all can call me Professor Trambley now. And hopefully, some of you will f'ing visit.

I'll try to post the pictures from Hawaii and San Diego soon. I'm not leaving until January, but I'll take Bon Voyages and good wishes at any time.


At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should love to know more about the SD position? What sold you on it, etc???

At 11:46 PM, Blogger Joel said...

On jobs alone, it was a tough choice. The job and schedule were fairly similar. Hawaii was a smaller pond and a new program -- possibly more of a chance to shine; San Diego is more established and larger -- much more mentoring and fewer growing pains.

In the end, it was the city issue. No one had anything good to say about gay life in Hawaii except for hooking up with tourists; the UCSD hospital is right on the edge of Hilcrest.

I'd have loved a similar job that let me stay in SF, but the only place that has one is somewhere I don't want to work. Yet.

At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is an article on the last page of the San Francisco Chronicle Magazine (from 12/17) that you might be interested in.


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