Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Not my day

I think the universe is getting me back for my Pluto sympathy, so I'm just going to vent for a second.

For those of you who didn't read the header: I am, in fact, a doctor. Specifically, I am a hospitalist (internal medicine, in-patients only) for a liver transplant service. My service exploded over the weekend, so I have been busy as hell all week. But that's not enough to make me spend a blog venting.

By 1200, I had told 3 people they weren't getting liver transplants any time soon. By 1600 today, I was finishing rounds and was almost spent, with only 3 patients to go. At which point one of my patients decided to bitch me out for not seeing her earlier, and for not making a firm diagnosis faster. I took a deep breath, calmed her down, and saw my last 2 patients. Then her husband called to yell at me for half an hour. But that's not enough to make me spend a blog venting.

I finally made it home, had a glass of wine (ironic given my job, but I've gotten over it), and turned on the tube. Scrubs was on, and I hadn't watched it for a while. Scrubs is the only TV show about medicine that I enjoy -- it's funny, and it's the most reflective of real medicine, except that real residents don't get laid that often. As I settled in, the universe bitch-slapped me with an episode about transplant patients. Dying. It's a sad day when watching Scrubs isn't mindless fun. Thus the venting.

Thankfully, I have Friday off. If you're in SF, I'll probably be out with a vengeance tomorrow night. Kel, you better be ready.


At 12:42 PM, Blogger Kelicious said...

I'm ready!


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