Sunday, May 20, 2007

Rambling Thoughts

I'm one week into my two week work swing, but I got a little break this afternoon. For some reason, I'm in one of those moods when I don't feel lame for not going out, so I thought I'd post something. Unfortunately, I didn't have anything on the tip of my tongue (fingers). So here are some random thoughts from the past couple of weeks.

-- When did pregnancy again become the worst result of unprotected sex? A couple of weeks ago, I had "The New Adventures of Old Christine" on as background noise. I don't really know the players, but the thrust of the episode was that Christine had slept, unprotected, with a man (I think her ex). I came in late, but the entire episode was about her fear of pregnancy, and how a pregnancy would affect here swinging single life. There was no mention of HIV, AIDS, or STD's. On the heels of this, I saw the trailers for "Knocked Up". I obviously haven't seen it yet, but the entire trailer was about a hook-up that produced a child. No obvious concern about STDs.
I know these things are downers for a comedy, and I wouldn't expect a full episode on them (though it could provide your Emmy/Oscar clips), but come on, show a little responsibility. Heterosexual transmission is real. By the way, it's not hard to make a visit to a clinic amusing-- have you seen "The 40 Year-Old Virgin"?

-- I really wasn't ready to admire John Ashcroft. I don't plan to put him up for sainthood, but the recent reports of his strength against domestic surveillance are impressive. To paraphrase: "Don't resign until I can resign with you." Damn. I would have drawn my line in the sand/constitution in a different place, but ya gotta respect his stance at his line.

-- I avoided internet dating for a long time -- it just didn't seem natural to me. When I moved to San Diego, I joined a few sites as a way to meet people. I've met some seemingly nice guys, and things seem to go well by e-mail. Then they send me their phone numbers. At which point I wig out and don't call. Why am I comfortable talking on-line or in person, but not on the phone? Any budding psychologists or experienced gay boyz with insight?

-- Is "I can't ever remember to take my pills" a reason to keep someone in the hospital on intravenous medications?

-- I may keep HBO just for "Real Time".

-- The only thing politicaly weirder than admiring John "Cover Those Breasts" Ashcroft? Agreeing with Newt Gingrich. But there it is. His idea of 9 weekly dialogs from Labor Day to Election Day, 90 minutes each with two candidates (at least) and no moderator, is brilliant. Check it out at (I know, I'm linking to Newt. It's only fair. Trust me, I won't vote for him. Except, perhaps, in a cross-over primary so he can get crushed by John/Hillary/Barak).

-- Less than two months to the next Harry Potter movie. And book. Also, I agree with the person who posted on my myspace -- Peter Jackson should direct "The Hobbit".

-- Is "my myspace" redundant?

-- Should I continue to drink my stash of Sonoma wine while I blog (and listen to The Jimmi and Dan Variety Cast), or should I save it for a more special occasion and buy cheap stuff for the former. Or, did we have a drink together if I drink while writing and you drink while reading?


At 3:21 PM, Blogger Geoffrey said...

I feel the same way about your comment on the internet and getting a phone number. It freaks me out too, course I'm in a different situation, but none the less.

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Sarah Jean said...

i like you.

nah, im not creepy- i just like what you had to say....sometimes things just sorta tumble onto a page and it makes sense.


At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree about the Hobbit director. The Hobbit is more quirky then epic, so I think Tim Burton instead of Peter Jackson. I also support a guest appearance by Bono playing (and singing the part of) Tom Bombadil, with 25% of the film proceeds going fight extreme poverty.

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Jimmi said...

Drink the cheap shit! LOL

Oh and don't kill me but I still have your shirt! LOL I am such a bad person to mail stuff! I promise I will get it to you soon! :(

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Joel said...

For the dirty-minded: Jimmi has my shirt because I left it in his car, not on his floor -- he has a boyfriend, and I am NOT that evil. It was in his car because I signed up for Insight to get the shirt so I could talk longer to the hot guy at the Phoenix Pride booth. I AM that lame.

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Actions and Consequences said...

You talked to me the whole time at Pride not just that one booth


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