A sketchy pre-B-day
A couple of things happened yesterday that I think fall into the "sketchy" category. Normally, I would just talk about it with people, but now that I have a blog, I thought I'd write about it.
I did some shift work with a medical staffing group, and have been waiting to get paid. I asked some questions about the payment, and my e-mails started getting forwarded around the company. Fortunately for me, I have remained a CC. While the woman with whom I have been dealing is quite pleasant, her contact person sent an e-mail that ended "and who is this Joel guy anyway." Not reassuring. And further evidence that the frequent use of the Reply All key is not only annoying, but can get you into trouble.
Then, last night, I went to a birthday party at the Detour. (Instant poll #2 -- what does it mean when you're invited to birthday parties for Castro bartenders -- have you made it, or been doing it too long? Eh, who cares -- he's cute.) I saw someone I had met briefly before at a happy hour. Last night he was more drunk, and more affectionate. He's cute, and he was getting a good amount of interest. When he had gone what was probably a lot too far with the booze, someone came up and told him it was time to go. I was sober (because I had taken my baby out -- more later) and asked the guy, "Are you going to take him home safe?
To which this "friend" replied, "Yeah, he's a little too drunk". I agreed.
I was thinking to myself "now there's a good friend". Until I saw them near the Market Street Safeway making out. I hope they were a couple, but there was no indication of that earlier. Two equally drunk people hooking up bothers me not at all, but a sober guy taking advantage of a drunk guy is, well -- sketchy. (Though not uncommon. "Beer: getting ugly people laid since 2000 BC", or something like that.)
And telling people you're taking the guy home to cut out the competition is, well -- lame.
Enough blogging. Tonight is MY birthday, and I'm going out.
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